Since my parents came up for the weekend, they decided to come up to Logan yesterday. We got tickets for The Forgotten Carols. It was so wonderful to go. It was such a great experience to be there and be there for the first time. At the end of it, it made my mom and I cry so much, because we both were thinking of the same person, and knowing that made me cry more, so I ended up soaking her shirt. I would love to go to it every year.
Fa La La la La Lala cough cough cough
11 years ago
Hello my blogging sister in law! I'm glad you joined us in cyberspace! Sounds like you had a good Thanksgiving! Did you survive Friday morning?
Mom and I had such a wonderful time this weekend. We enjoyed the time that we had with Michael and Zachary, and we throughly enjoyed our time with Garth and Stefani. I really enjoy "The Forgotten Carols," and each year I cannot seem to get into the Spirit of Christmas until I see it.
I am so glad to hear from the family. I'm still trying to figure how to view other families blog sights, so if someone wants to help me, that'd be great!!!
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