Sunday, August 16, 2009

New Old Experiences

Stef and I have both recently received new callings in the church. Stef was called to be the Young Womens Secretary and I was called to be the Young Mens President. We are now experiencing being teenagers from the leader perspective. There have been some fun mutual activities for both of us and we are learning a lot. It is like being a kid again at church and going to activities every week makes the week much busier than what we are used to. This last weekend I got to go on my first camping trip. We took the priests to Logan where we climbed at the Rock Haus for three hours went to dinner then played miniature golf and then set up camp at 10:30 in Green Canyon. The next day we joined the rest of the youth at the Temple and it turned out to be a great trip. At the temple all of the workers confused me for one of the boys a little annoying but also flattering. We are still both getting used to the callings and getting things figured out but we will get there. The real problem now is that we know more youth than adults in the ward. G.N


Paul and Mariko said...

I've always thought it would be fun to have a calling in YW :) Yet I don't think I'd want to go camping with them. Is that bad? hehe I'm glad you guys are enjoying your callings! And I love the new pic of you on here! :)

Chris and Marissa said...

We were in Logan and tried visiting Green Canyon on the 8th, but couldn't because of a lost hiker. I'm glad you are both enjoying your new callings.